Elan‘s dopant behavior work is accepted by JPCL. Congratulations!
News and Schedule
Elan Hofman defends
Elan Hofman defended his Ph.D. thesis. Congratulations!
Nori Zaccheo wins ACS award
Nori Zaccheo is awarded the ACS Division of Physical Chemistry Award. Congratulations!
Dr. Zhi-Jun Li research accepted
April 4, 2020, Li‘s Mn-doped nanocomposites work is accepted by Nano Research. Congratulations!
Andrew Davis awarded fellowship
April 3, 2020, Andrew Davis is awarded SU Summer Dissertation Fellowship. Congratulations!
Dr. Zhi-Jun Li Research accepted by Green Chemistry
February 17, 2020: Li‘s photocatalysis work is accepted by Green Chemistry. Congratulations!
2019 News Archive
- December 2019: Hanjie Lin and Chun Chu join Zheng Lab. Welcome on board!
- Rachel Weiss was selected to present her REU project in the Council on Undergraduate Research’s Research Experiences for Undergraduates Symposium in Washington DC (October 27-28, 2019). Congratulations!
- Zheng group has three presentations (by Elan, Andrew, and Zheng) at 2019 ACS NERM meeting in Saratoga Springs, NY, June 23-26, 2019.
- Elan Hofman is awarded SU Summer Dissertation Fellowship. Congratulations!
- Nori Zaccheo is awarded SU UCRW Academic Year Grant. Congratulations!
- March 18, 2019: Andrew‘s Mn doped 2-dimensional CdS/ZnS Nanoplatelet work is accepted by Chemistry of Materials. Congratulations!
2018 News Archive
- August 23, 2018: Li‘s Mn doped 2-dimensional perovskite work is accepted by Chemistry of Materials. Congratulations!
- Zheng group has three presentations (by Elan, Andrew, and Zheng) at 256th ACS meeting in Boston, August 19-22, 2018.
- May 22, 2018: Li‘s 2-dimensional inorganic perovskite work is accepted by Chemistry of Materials. Congratulations!
- March 3, 2018: Andrew Davis won the Best Poster Award in the 2018 Syracuse Chemistry Graduate Student Poster Competition. Congratulations!
2017 News archive
- November, 25, 2017: The doped nanowires work by Li, Elan, Amanda, and etc. is accepted by ACS Nano, congratulations!
- September, 20, 2017: Li‘s photoelectrochemically active core/shell nanocrystal work is accepted by Adv. Funct. Mater., congratulations!
- August 23, Zheng presented an oral presentation at the 254th ACS National Meeting in Washington DC.
- June 8, 2017: Elan‘s dopant migration work is accepted by JACS, congratulations!
- March 25, 2017: Elan Hofman is awarded First Place and Andrew Davis is awarded Second Place in the 2017 Syracuse Chemistry Graduate Student Poster Competition! Congratulations!!!
- January 2017: Dr. Zhi-Jun Li joins Zheng Lab. Welcome on board!
2016 News archive
December 2016: Andrew Davis and Robert Devin Nonnenman join Zheng Lab. Welcome to our family!
October 6, Zheng presented an invited oral presentation in the symposium of “New Investigators” at the 41st ACS Northeast Regional Meeting (NERM) in Binghamton, NY.
August 2016: Rick Robinson joins the lab. Welcome on board!
March 19, 2016: Elan Hofman won the Best Poster Award at the Department Poster Session, Congratulations!